KraK a écrit:
Assassins Brick a écrit:
Par contre je crois que si un projet est sélectionné, le MOCeur ne peut pas publier d'instructions pour sa création.
C'est à dire ? Même si il n'est pas approuvé ?
Vu leurs conditions générales, apparemment ils détiennent les droits pour 3 ans de tous les projets validé pour la phase des 10 000 votes :
You may not sell any items, physical or digital, related to either the Product Ideas or Contest Entries submitted to the platform. If we learn you are selling images, building instructions, custom kits, or anything related to ideas you have submitted to the platform, your materials may be deleted from the LEGO Ideas platform without further notice to you or (in some cases) we may need to pursue legal proceedings.
Should LEGO choose to no longer consider your submissions (whether as a Product Idea or Contest Entry) such as by deleting or archiving materials you have submitted, your submission expiring, or by not selecting your Product Ideas or Contest Entries in review, all rights assigned to LEGO above remain assigned to LEGO for a further period of three years from the date of deletion, and the limited, revocable license granted to the Product Idea or Contest Entry Owner above remains in effect for the same three year period. Should LEGO refuse your submission to the site (whether as a Product Idea or Contest Entry), all rights assigned to LEGO above revert to you.
Et pour les projets approuvés, comme ça devient un produit officiel Lego :
All rights assigned to LEGO related to Contest entries remain assigned to LEGO indefinitely.